February 11, 2020

Well Connected, EP 302, Dr. Jud Brewer, MD PhD

Well / Connected with Dr. Joe Kvedar
Well / Connected with Dr. Joe Kvedar
Well Connected, EP 302, Dr. Jud Brewer, MD PhD
Well / Connected with Dr. Joe Kvedar
Well / Connected with Dr. Joe Kvedar
Well Connected, EP 302, Dr. Jud Brewer, MD PhD

In this special Connected Health Conference 2019 Keynote Speakers episode, Dr. Kvedar has a fantastic conversation with Dr. Judson Brewer, Director of Research & Innovation, Mindfulness Center, Brown University School of Public Health and Founder of MindSciences. They discuss Jud’s study of mindfulness, how digital therapeutics can help us break bad habits and how we can harness our minds to change the unhealthy habits that contribute to chronic health conditions.